OCTOBER 17, 2015
Tyler Hartgers: 641.891.1562
OCTOBER 17, 2015
Tyler Hartgers: 641.891.1562
Montezuma, IA
Located just minutes from Rodgers Cattle Co!

Tag 1 Heifer
Monopoly x Friction
This heifer is a result of an embryo purchase from Zach Gray's great Friction donor cow. She is the ideal body type- deep ribbed, choke neck, great feet and legs. She might be a touch on the smaller framed size, but don't let that take away from how good she is. She has been hairy all summer and is growing more everyday. Take her home and show her, then breed her to your favorite Maine bull and let her make you some money! PHAF
Monopoly x Friction
This heifer is a result of an embryo purchase from Zach Gray's great Friction donor cow. She is the ideal body type- deep ribbed, choke neck, great feet and legs. She might be a touch on the smaller framed size, but don't let that take away from how good she is. She has been hairy all summer and is growing more everyday. Take her home and show her, then breed her to your favorite
Tag 2 Steer
Monopoly X 7 Irish Whiskey This brown beast is the kind of steer we are trying to raise. He has been one of the favorites all summer! He is thicker than we normally see out of the Monopoly x 7 cross, but he still has all the good pieces we come to expect He always has a full belly; his big bone and foot strides out with ease. He is the perfect size for anything in the Midwest. He could make an early fair and will be perfect size state fair. Tame enough for a first year showman and good enough to go out with a bang. Don't overlook this steer. The calves out of 7 get better every day, and this one is great already.
Tag 7 Heifer
Monopoly X 7 Irish Whiskey THF PHAF Monopoly x Irish whiskey!!! This girl will prove to everyone that thinks a calf that is big footed and has nice hair is going to be double dirty wrong; she's double clean. Look at the way her neck comes out of the top of her shoulders; look and the length of spine! Then go down to the bone and foot size and admire how soft she is on her pasterns. She's still green, and when she gets her mature heifer shape she will be tough to beat. This is the type of heifer that we all get beat by, and think of all the bulls you could breed her to. The best heifer 7 has raised hands down. THF PHAF
Monopoly X 7 Irish Whiskey THF PHAF Monopoly x Irish whiskey!!! This girl will prove to everyone that thinks a calf that is big footed and has nice hair is going to be double dirty wrong; she's double clean. Look at the way her neck comes out of the top of her shoulders; look and the length of spine! Then go down to the bone and foot size and admire how soft she is on her pasterns. She's still green, and when she gets her mature heifer shape she will be tough to beat. This is the type of heifer that we all get beat by, and think of all the bulls you could breed her to. The best heifer 7 has raised hands down. THF PHAF
Tag 24 Steer
MAB x 7 Irish Whiskey Wow!! This guy has a bright future. He is the biggest boned calf on the sale; maybe the biggest boned calf out of our 7 donor. He is long bodied, big boned and footed, and backed by a great cow. He has plenty of thickness through his top and very powerful from behind. His hair is a little tight right now, but he will get his shag back. You don't want show against this flashy steer. He will grab the judge's eye.
MAB x 7 Irish Whiskey Wow!! This guy has a bright future. He is the biggest boned calf on the sale; maybe the biggest boned calf out of our 7 donor. He is long bodied, big boned and footed, and backed by a great cow. He has plenty of thickness through his top and very powerful from behind. His hair is a little tight right now, but he will get his shag back. You don't want show against this flashy steer. He will grab the judge's eye.
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